Located in the heart of historic Sheung Wan, Mingle Place 'On the Wing' offers exceptional convenience for the traveller with easy access to Hong Kong's key commercial, financial and shopping destinations.
The boutique hotels' 47 rooms cover a range of styles and designs each equipped with the best in personalised technology to make your stay a unique experience.
Taking its name from a bird soaring free in the sky, open and without limits, the wing is ideal for bold, energetic, young executives.
名樂居 on the Wing 位於港島核心位置上環,提供十分便捷的交通配套設施,連接各個主要商業、金融及購物重點。
On the Wing 精品酒店提供 47 間不同格調與設計的房間,配合高智能系統,為真正酒店享受提供新定義。
On the Wing 以鳥兒翱翔天際為名,最配合時尚又具幹勁的新一代行政人員。
名乐居 on the Wing 位於港岛核心位置上环,提供十分便捷的交通配套设施,连接各个主要商业、金融及购物重点。
On the Wing 精品酒店提供 47 套不同格调与设计的房间,配合高智能系统,为真正酒店享受提供新定义。
On the Wing 以鸟儿翱翔天际为名,最配合时尚又具幹劲的新一代行政人员。