All-in-One Business Centre

Don't have your notebook handy but wish to access the Internet? Have an urgent document to print or a fax to send? Another document to photocopy? Simply come to the reception area (located at Mingle By the Park) and we are all here to help!

The all-in-one business centre (conveniently located near the reception area) is always on hand to provide executive support services. Take advantage of high-speed broadband Internet access, complete Wi-Fi coverage, two fully equipped PC's with full productivity software suites and a range of printing, faxing and photocopying facilities.


忘記了帶自己的手提電腦又想上網聯繫、有重要文件打印或傳真, 都可以隨時到商務中心(就在名樂居 By The Park 前台側)。我們很樂意隨時為您效勞。

多功能的商務中心全天候為住客服務, 包括免費極速寬頻上網、無線上網, 提供打印、傳真及影印等服務, 並設有兩部電腦(包括普遍的辦工室軟件)可供免費使用。


忘记了带自己的笔电又想上网连系?有重要文件打印或传真? 您可以随时到商务中心(就在名乐居 By The Park 前台侧)。我们很乐意随时为您效劳。

多功能的商务中心全天候为住客服务, 包括免费极速宽带上网、无线上网, 提供打印、传真及影印等服务, 并设有两部计算机(包括普遍的办工室软件)可供免费使用。