And God said "Let birds fly above the earth above the earth across
the expanse of the sky." So, God created every winged bird according to
its kind. God blessed them and said, "Let the birds increase on the
Genesis 1:20-22
Mingle Place on The Wing
is the third in a series of boutique hotels created by the Intexact
Group to give you the unique personalised experience of staying with
us. Taking its name from a bird soaring free in the sky, open and
without limits,
The Wing is ideal for bold, energetic, young executives.
創世紀 1:20-22
On the Wing 是名樂居旗下第三間精品酒店,為旅客提供個人化的住宅享受。
On the Wing 以鳥兒翱翔天際為名,最配合時尚又具幹勁的新一代行政人員。
创世纪 1:20-22
On the Wing 是名乐居旗下第叁间精品酒店,为旅客提供个人化的住宅享受。
On the Wing 以鸟儿翱翔天际为名,最配合时尚又具幹劲的新一代行政人员。
Consistent with our high-tech brand, we have embedded the latest personalised technology
for you to experience, explore and enjoy during your stay. In addition
to standard Techotel features such as fingerprint identification,
personalised scene settings, in-room surround sound systems, full wired
and wireless broadband connections, we have added an in-room Skype
IP-phone to keep you connected to the world, a DVD player and, in
selected rooms, your personal notebook computer.
When selecting the site, we took the utmost care to ensure the ultimate level of convenience.
On The Wing is situated right next to all key transport terminals and surrounded by
major commercial, dining and shopping destinations. You literally do not need
to venture far to go anywhere, to get the best food, or to enjoy the best shopping.
配合名樂居酒店集團的高智能品牌,酒店內加入個人化科技以提升入住的樂趣。除了尖端的指模科技,還有個人化內置智能系統、環迴立體聲系統、無線寬頻上網、Skype IP 電話、DVD 放影機及在指定房間內設置筆記本電腦。
在選址上,位置方便適中是首要條件。因此 On The Wing 座落市中心,連接不同交通運輸工具,以及鄰近各個商業、飲食及購物熱點,令旅程變得輕鬆簡易。
除此之外,On the Wing 亦位於香港歷史與文化的中心,見證著中西文化交流。旅客在上環坊、西港城和有古董街之稱的荷里活道都可以尋找到這些香港獨有的特色。
配合名乐居酒店集团的高智能品牌,酒店内加入个人化科技以提升入住的乐趣。除了尖端的指模科技,还有个人化内置智能系统、环迴立体声系统、无线宽帶上网、Skype IP 电话、DVD 放影机及在指定房间内设置笔记本计算机。
在选址上,位置方便适中是首要条件。因此 On The Wing 座落市中心,连接不同交通运输工具,以及邻近各个商业、饮食及购物热点,令旅程变得轻松简易。
除此之外,On the Wing 亦位於香港历史与文化的中心,见證著中西文化交流。旅客在上环坊、西港城和有古董街之称的荷里活道都可以寻找到这些香港独有的特色。
You can also experience the unique history and culture
of Hong Kong: a place where the West and East converge. Historical and
cultural sites such as Sheung Wan Fong, the Western Markets and
Antiques Street (Hollywood Road) are just around the corner.
In the design of the hotel, we have taken it 'out-of-the-box', connecting you
to a time-and-space experience.
The 12 lobby floors create a vertical experience through each month of
the year reflecting the different weather and seasons, while four
varying room types depict stages of life development.
12 層的大堂垂直帶出了一年四季的氣息;而四款特別房間的設計則橫向地展現生命不同的進化。
12 层的大堂垂直带出了一年四季的气息;而四款特别房间的设计则横向地展现生命不同的进化。