Located in historical Sheung Wan next to Hong Kong's central business district, The Wing is perfectly placed for all your needs. All transportation networks converge here, including the MTR (subway), the Airport Express and the Macau Ferry Terminal which quickly takes you to the 'Las Vegas of the East'.

Within short walking distance is 'Central', Hong Kong's bustling commercial centre, home to the world's major banking and financial institutions. Just 10 minutes' walk take you to the heart of Lan Kwai Fong & Soho where you'll find the best bars and restaurants to suit any tastes.
位於具有歷史風貌的上環,On The Wing 正好配合旅客的各種需要。在交通方面,連接港鐵、機場快線及港澳碼頭等多種主要的運輸工具。

位於具有历史风貌的上环,On The Wing 正好配合旅客的各种需要。在交通方面,连接港铁、机场快线及港澳码头等多种主要的运输工具。

Sheung Wan itself is packed with historic sites from the colonial era, as well as other traditional Chinese cultural and religious sites. Wing Lok Street, where the hotel stands, is the famous 'seafood Street' of old Hong Kong and if you take a quick walk you'll find the best in Chinese antiques on Hollywood Road, aptly known as 'Antiques Street'.

The preserved Western Market and Sheung Wan Fong Provide more interesting cultural heritage and reflect the importance of old trades in this fascinating area where Chinese and Western cultures converge.
除此之外,上環有著不少殖民地時代的文化和宗教風味。On The Wing 位於的永樂街亦是有名的「海味街」;另外距離不遠的荷里活道是具文化特色的古董街。

除此之外,上环有著不少殖民地时代的文化和宗教风味。On The Wing 位於的永乐街亦是有名的「海味街」;另外距离不远的荷里活道是具文化特色的古董街。


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